Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)

Your Changing Eyes

What are the symptoms of strabismus?

Strabismus is a general term for eyes that are misaligned and point in different directions. Typically this is seen as crossed-eyes and is almost always accompanied by lazy eye (amblyopia). Your child may have strabismus if

  • Their eyes are crossed or wall eyed Their eyes do not move together
  • The point of light reflected in each eye is not symmetrical
  • They tend to tilt their head to one side They are unable to gauge depth
  • They squint into the sun with only one eye

What causes strabismus?

No one knows why some children’s eyes are misaligned, although it does seem to run in families. Because misaligned eyes don’t focus together, double vision occurs. A young child with strabismus will unconsciously ignore one of the two images they see—and the related nerve connections between their eye and brain will fail to develop. This brings about lazy eye (amblyopia).

How can you correct strabismus?

In order to develop good vision the affected eye must be made to work. There are several treatments that may be used alone or in combination, depending on the type, severity, and cause of your child’s strabismus. They include Glasses Eye drops or ointment Injected medication Surgery Patching or covering the better-seeing eye